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Wine Quality Modelling

As part of a Cuantitative Methods class, we were assigned to analyze and predict some variables from any dataset. This was a team project and my team chose the Wine Quality dataset which can be found here  . We decided to focus on the alcohol variable and found that the density is the property that influences this the most. With this I was able to build a model using Random Forests to predict the grade of alcohol. The code and complete report can be found below.

  • Date

    February 2022 — June 2022

  • Stack

    Python, MATLAB

  • Code 

This project helped me apply a lot of the data science knowledge I had learned in previous classes. Since the dataset was pretty clean, there wasn't much to be done with the data. I think it is really cool how just about any set of data can tell a certain story or can be useful to find out things.

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