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Luyer Compiler

Probably one of the hardest projects I've worked on: my own programming language and compiler . This was an individual project for my Compiler Design class. I defined and programmed my own tokens and grammar, using the library LARK for lexical, syntax and semantic analysis. Then, using plain Python I created a simple Virtual Machine which takes a Memory structure I defined to execute any code file in my language. The code for this project can be seen in the link below, as well instructions and documentation to write your own Luyer programs. Keep in mind that it is in Spanish, since the class was in this language.

  • Date

    August 2022 — November 2022

  • Stack


  • Code 

This project was a good summary of many Computer Science classes I have taken.  Data Structures, Algorithms, Discrete Math, Programming languages; I applied many concepts from each of these classes and it was really fascinating to see how all of them came together to build something so complex. If you want to read how I implemented this fully, there is complete documentation in the repository.

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